Below are some links to the writings of my friends who have public platforms for their reflections that include their time on missions. I encourage you to read their thoughts and experiences to be blessed by an even bigger picture of how God is working and growing people through the hands and hearts of those who wish to serve Him.
Mercy Ships (and beyond)—
- Lara Arkinstall (photographer—AUS)
- April Chiu (physio—AUS)
- Christine Phillips (screening nurse—USA)
- Esther Harrington (steward—NZL)
- Kathy Shearon (lab tech—USA)
- Laura Clapham (hospital physician—UK)
- Matthew Little (deckhand—UK)
- Michele Manter (ward nurse—USA)
Other missions friends—
- Jasmine Sun (YWAM Marine Reach)
- Rachel Chang (YWAM Tapei)
If you’re happy to share your writings (or if you’d rather not be listed here), please let me know and I’ll make changes accordingly. :)